We are sharing the following information so families can make an informed decision regarding registration and participation in non-sanctioned hockey leagues. 

Organizations operating outside the Hockey Canada model occasionally form leagues offering various levels of amateur hockey programming. These non-sanctioned organizations do not support the development of Hockey Canada or member programs such as minor hockey. They operate with limited, or no consideration to the impact of their programs on minor, junior, senior, adult recreational hockey, officiating development, female hockey, coaching development or administrator development.

VRC will implement the Hockey Canada Non-Sanctioned League Policy and in addition has strengthened the application of that policy as set out below.

  1. Any individual participating in a Non-Sanctioned League, at any level of minor hockey, after the Cut-Off Date will cease to be a member of VRC for the remainder of the season.
  2. This is specific to Non-Sanctioned League Participants and does not include in-season training programs.

VRC respects the right of every individual to choose between a Hockey Canada sanctioned league or a Non-Sanctioned League at the beginning of each hockey season.


Hockey Canada http://members.hockeycanada.ca/bulletins/Bulletins.aspx?ID=2370

BC Hockey https://www.bchockey.net/administration/BulletinItem.aspx?id=561


Non-Sanctioned Leagues/Teams Policy will be added to the 2021-2022 manual as follows:

Vancouver Island Amateur Hockey Association supports the Hockey Canada Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model. The LTAD model aims to optimize athlete development and performance and maintains fundamental safeguards that are inherent to Hockey Canada programs. 

Within this policy, amateur hockey leagues that are in Canada and do not operate under the auspices and sanctioning of Hockey Canada are deemed non-sanctioned leagues. This currently does not include summer hockey league/teams, adult recreational hockey leagues/teams, high school hockey and/or hockey schools.

VIAHA respects the right of every individual to choose between participating in a Hockey Canada sanctioned league or a non-sanctioned league. The cutoff date to make this decision, set by Hockey Canada, is September 30 of the hockey season in question. 

Within this policy, the word “participate” will mean to engage, knowingly or otherwise, in an activity within a non-sanctioned league. Such activity includes, without limitation, playing, managing, coaching officiating, or acting as a trainer.

Also, within this policy, the word “participation” in a non-sanctioned league will be considered to

have occurred if the individual takes part in one game (including an exhibition, tournament, league or playoff game) after the cutoff date.

Any player or team official within VIAHA district who participates in a non-sanctioned league or any hockey association which supports a non-sanctioned league after cutoff date (September 30) is subject to the following consequences:

1) Loss of all privileges with VIAHA for the remainder of that hockey season.

2) VIAHA shall provide clarification to participate and participation in non-sanctioned

league and will exercise its authority to ensure compliance.

3) Notwithstanding the consequences listed in (1) a player or team official may seek early reinstatement of their privileges through VIAHA Appeals Committee following its
